Tiny Castle Wiki
Owlman forestdesert thumb@2x

Adult - Teen - Baby - Egg

Available Level 11
Buy 550 Jewel
Sell 943 Quest icon coin@2x
XP 282 FloaterIcon XP@2x
Time 18 Hours
Homes RibbonPrimaryForest@2xRibbonPrimaryDesert@2x
Limited: No
Game Description
The Owlman is a vain and valiant creature, spending equal time on preening and perfecting their strength-at-…ah…. wings. Their favorite beverage is a bitter brown concoction that smells alluring, but will take the roof of your mouth off after a single sip. This drink seems to have little to no affect on the behavior of the Owlmen, other than to keep them awake and cheerful, but when imbibed by humans causes severe jitters.

Breeding icon@2x Summoning[]

To summon an Owlman, you must breed a Centaur with a Desert hybrid or a Cyno with a Forest hybrid.

Hibernating icon@2x Evolution[]

An Owlman has 3 stages of evolution: baby (levels 1 to 4), teen (levels 5 to 7) and adult (levels 8 to 10). Between each stage, the Owlman needs to spend time in the Dream Tower.

Baby to Teen: 4 Hours or 9 Jewel.

Teen to Adult: 5 Hours or 11 Jewel.


Food 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
50 105 155 240 510 685 985 3,060 4,215 MAX
Amount of Food needed to fully level up creature: 40,020

Earning Rates[]

Quest icon coin@2x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Battle Stats[]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FloaterIcon health@2x 20 20 20 20 20 25 30 35 42 47
Attack 11 11 11 11 11 13 15 18 23 25

IndicatorHealing@2x Healing[]

As a teen, an Owlman takes 2 hours to heal (9 Jewel to hurry), and costs 7,500 Quest icon coin@2x.

As an adult, an Owlman takes 3 hours 45 minutes to heal (16 Jewel to hurry), and costs 12,600 Quest icon coin@2x.


Baby: "Who!"

Teen: "Your work is appreciated."

Adult: "*ahem* I hate nonsense."
