Tiny Castle Wiki
The MAGE Tower
Deco 6x6MAGEtower@2x
Level 11
Cost 260,000 Quest icon coin@2x
Sells for 130,000 Quest icon coin@2x
Experience 0 FloaterIcon XP@2x
Size 6 x 6
This soaring (literally!) edifice is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of our favorite wizard: Mervin! Mervin completed the MAGE Tower Trials, earning the right to preside over a MAGE Tower all of his own! These halls are filled with ringing chatter as students take notes, argue and discover the joys of magical learning. Occasionally one also hears the dulcet tones of Phillip reminding the students that one should ask before obsconding with a batch of Ever Apple Tarts.


  • Added to the market on February 1st, 2013